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December 2017 / 404 posts found

LaVar Ball Says Donald Trump’s ZO2 Shoes Have Been Sent (UPDATE)

by rssmasher
[[tmz:video id=”0_6afpvbe5″]] 2:25 PM PTThe White House tells TMZ Sports they have not yet received the shoesbut are currentlytrying to track them down.Donald Trump is officially a Big Ballerthis according to LaVar Ball, who says POTUS… Permalink [Read More …] #All Profits to Charity

LaVar Ball Says Donald Trump’s ZO2 Shoes Have Been Sent (UPDATE)

by rssmasher
[[tmz:video id=”0_6afpvbe5″]] 2:25 PM PTThe White House tells TMZ Sports they have not yet received the shoesbut are currentlytrying to track them down.Donald Trump is officially a Big Ballerthis according to LaVar Ball, who says POTUS… Permalink [Read More …] #All Profits to Charity

All That Glitter? It’s Not Good, Critics Say

by rssmasher
Some scientists and conservationists are saying plastic glitter is a pollutant, just like the microbeads that lawmakers are already phasing out.[Read More …] #All Profits to Charity

All That Glitter? It’s Not Good, Critics Say

by rssmasher
Some scientists and conservationists are saying plastic glitter is a pollutant, just like the microbeads that lawmakers are already phasing out.[Read More …] #All Profits to Charity